

120 of 169 Items
  • Cavansite is a rare mineral made of sparkling bright blue crystals. It is found only in a small area in India and is difficult to mine, making it scarce and pricey. It sometimes forms in clusters within a brownish sediment. those specimens resemble a robin's egg, but much smaller. Many clairvoyants use Cavansite as it strengthens the connection of source energy. I call Cavansite the radio enhancer, since I use it for channeling intuitive messages. Cavansite united the throat and third eye chakras for clear insight, effective communication, and greater understanding. Cavansite is a stone of revelation and prophecy, stimulating spiritual breakthroughs and higher consciousness. It is amazing for channeling spiritual information and opening the door to infinite knowledge. It can also calm the nerves and emotions. Overall one of my favorite stones! Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing

Stone is carefully chosen, spiritually cleansed and packaged with an abundance of gratitude and high vibe positive energy.

    Cavansite  Clear Hearing Stone Chakras - 7th crown, 6th third eye, 5th throat, and 4th heart …

  • Azurite is bright, brilliant azure-blue stone. It increases psychic ability and aids in meditation. Azurite is a copper mineral; it is occasionally found as prismatic crystals but is rarely ever faceted. More often its found in massive form intergrown with malachite. This is a result of the weathering and oxidation of copper sulfide minerals. Its a beautiful deep-blue stone that awakens the third eye, increases contacts with your spiritual guides, and heightens your psychic awareness.  The ancient Greeks and Romans used ground forms of the stone for medicinal purposes and for dye.

    Azurite  Chakras - 7th crown, 6th third eye, and 5th chakra Azurite is bright, brilliant azur…

  • Super 7 encourages all psychic abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, and telekinesis. It can help you visually see auras, it purifies and energizes all the chakras and energy fields and aligns them to the highest possible vibration. This stone is mac- Super 7 harmonizes and stimulates the bodies natural healing system, including our cellular protects and makes you feel unconditional love from your guides and all that exist. Get this - It never has to be cleansed or cleared its like 7 vitamins all in one. 
Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing

     Super 7 Crystal The All-in-One-Crystal Chakras -ALL  7th crown, 6th third eye, 5th thro…

  • Danburite
 This magical baby is a powerhouse of immerse energy that says "I'm letting go! No ifs. No excuses." Any negativity your holding onto will be gone. I'm ganna tell ya frankly that this one is no easy glide if you are ridding yourself of something harsh. It sure is a hardworking crystal for us humans. If you got - excuse my language - crap, it will be released! Danburite releases and brings you to a higher vibe of self-awareness and blunt understanding of your raw, true self and your higher self. Your angels will feel the vibes of your Danburite stone and come to your rescue by guiding the junk out of your entire being of existence; you'll release negativity from your past, present, and future! Good riddance! Danburite is an incredible stone. It looks like a quartz with a flat angled tip. There is no other stone it can be mistaken for because of that feature. Very distinctive. Danburite is great for stress relief and connecting to other realms through channeling or telepathic communication. Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing
Stone is carefully chosen, spiritually cleansed and packaged with an abundance of gratitude and high vibe positive energy.

      Danburite ( this is a close up picture your size is 1/4 of an inch)  This magical baby…

  • 5  Power stones

    Buy all 5 and save $! You receive Ukanite, Soldalite , Mookiate, Lepidolite & Red Jasper Powerst…

  • Moldavite can get you to a higher frequency fast! This mysterious green gemstone harmonizes well with many gemstones, but it is particularly strong with amethyst and citrine. It is said the Moldavite will supercharge and spiritualize the energies of whatever stone one uses with it. Exposure to the Moldavite begins a process of energetic resonance in which the vibratory rate of our entire being is increased, which is why this is such a transformative gemstone. This stone or Tektite is said to be a meteorite that fell in the Chez Republic. As it landed the heat and the pressure of the meteor united with the earth and formed a glass-like stone with cosmic powers. Scientist could not duplicate this stone because there is nothing like it on our Earthly plane. Most people feel the stones vibe instantly when they hold a piece. Moldavite can also give you a out of body experience. Many people claim they leave their physical bodies and take a "trip"! Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing

      Crippy Trippy Stone- Genuine- the Moldavite mine is now closed- Moldavite Chakras - 7th cr…

  •  Selenite Stick or specimen. Selenite is white or orange and is naturally opaque. Selenite is flaky, meaning it can disintegrate easily and break. You can use selenite for past life regression or parallel lives. I make crystal grids with selenite and apophyllite to induce past recall sessions. You can call back a current life situation by releasing and having vivid dreams or astral experiences. It is great to place near your television, computer, or any negative electronic producing device. You can see changes as it is utilized, and most people can feel the area change immediately. The Selenite's color may  become milkier over time. selenite cannot be washed with water, it will dissolve! Fortunately, Selenite is self cleansing. You can place one of these in a pile of your other gemstones, and it will cleanse them all for you. I place some of my stones on top of my Selenite lamp, it looks artistic and it cleanses my stones. Selenite or calcium sulfate, helps you create your inner knowing, connect to your soul, be trusting and open to new ideas, release negative thought patterns, and feel lighter. It helps ease chronic pains, fatigue and skeletal/skin disorders. Overall, Selenite is a winning mineral. It adjusts and cleanses you, instills peace, and is great for spiritual work and meditations. Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing

    Selenite stick, Selenite Specimen Chakras - 7th crown, 6th third eye, 5th throat, 4th heart, 3rd so…

  •  Amethyst Cluster

    Brings relaxation and opens your inner knowing. Makes your home or work space feeling comfortable an…

120 of 169 Items