
Ruby Zoisite

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  • The getter done stone! 
A green crystal with beautiful flecks of pink, Ruby Zoisite almost looks like a wonderful piece of candy (but don't eat or ingest this beauty)! Ruby Zoisite is a motivator stone. It is great for recovery  after an illness, helps you realize your own ideas, stimulates fertility, and makes you creative. It helps you with awareness, positive self esteem, and makes you feel you can support yourself and what you need to do in life. I call it the getter done stone. When I use it I feel like I have a personal coach putting a fire under my butt to get me going: vitality galore! Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing
 Crystal is chosen, spiritually cleansed and packaged with an abundance of gratitude and high vibe positive energy.

    Ruby Zoisite Chakras - 5th throat, 4th heart, 3rd solar plexus, 2nd sacral The getter done stone! …

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