
Crystals A-F

33 of 33 Items
  • Raw Citrine

    Citrine Chakra - 7th crown, 6th third eye, 3rd solar plexus, and 2nd sacral Citrine is a pale or b…

  • Fluorite grows in a variety of colors: green, yellow, clear, pink, and purple. Some Fluorite stones have multiple colors within. I call these Rainbow Fluorites. All Fluorites are beautiful. Those that are the greenest colors work best for the heart chakra and healing on a physical level. The yellow or whitish fluorite help heal on a spiritual level or past traumas. The solid purple and/or pink helps a person with emotional or mental issues that are blocking them, allowing the release in those in those chakras and aura layers. Fluorite is a perfect healing stone that gives determination, brings a sense of free spirit, activates a creative push, and is the gateway to subconscious. Fluorite can help dissolve blockages or narrow mindedness that prevents a person from moving forward it stimulates fast thinking and helps one absorb higher knowledge. Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing

    Fluorite - Chakra 7th crown, 6th third eye, 5th throat, 4th heart, 3rd solar plexus, and 2nd sacral…

  • Fire Agate

    Hold if you are feeling awry or tested, it helps you relax into being sensible other than fiery…

  • Oh my Gosh! Auralite 23 is all that and a bag of chips. This Canadian beauty can balance and align you and clear your auric field. it can immediately fill your energy / aura layers with positive vibes. 
 Stone is chosen, spiritually cleansed and packaged with an abundance of gratitude and high vibe positive energy.

    Auralite 23  (approx 1.5 inches long) No crystal is exactly  the same, please note this wh…

  • Chrysocolla

    Balances your solar plexus , the stomach area, and all that is holding within, such as physical ache…

  • Tumbled citrine

    Citrine  Positive Energy and Money Maker Chakra: 7th crown, 6th third eye, 3rd solar plexus, …

33 of 33 Items