

Three Crystals that Attract Positive Vibes

Three Crystals that Attract Positive Vibes

Jolie DeMarco on May 17th 2019

Looking for good energy to surround you? Aren't we always? I know I am. Sometimes we can't control the world, but we can get some assistance from Mother Earth. I'm talking about crystal energies! … read more
What are the Benefits of Guided Meditation?

What are the Benefits of Guided Meditation?

Jolie DeMarco on Feb 6th 2018

Have you ever had a stressful day, unable to relax or sleep? Have you tried to meditate, but found your mind wondering? Here is where guided meditation may help you. Guided meditation sounds simple, r … read more
What are Mandalas?

What are Mandalas?

Jolie DeMarco on Jan 25th 2018

In Sanskrit, an ancient language of India, the word mandala means circle, center, or sometimes sacred circle. Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “a design symbolizing the universe.” Carl Jung calls th … read more