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  • A legendary green stone that enhances memory and promotes clear, quick thinking. Emerald encourages positive actions by making your thought process positive. Healers us this to help all auric layers and chakra heals, promoting physical, mental emotional, and spiritual wellness. Emeralds have been used since biblical times. They were in the breastplates of ancient Chinese warriors and used in countries around the world. The emeralds were worn close to the heart to protect and create a sense of strength in the face of opposition. They were worn as signs wealth, stature, pride, and privilege. Emerald comes in various grade; all carry energies that bring abundance and positive thought processes. Copyright © DeMarco,J. (2019) High Vibes Crystal Healing. Florida: Llewellyn Publishing
Stone is carefully chosen, spiritually cleansed and packaged with an abundance of gratitude and high vibe positive energy.

    Emerald Chakra - 7th crown, 6th third eye, 4th heart, 3rd solar plexus, and 2nd sacral  A leg…

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