Everything You Need to Know About the Seven Chakras in a 8 Part Series

Everything You Need to Know About the Seven Chakras in a 8 Part Series

Jolie DeMarco on Mar 17th 2018

Intro to Chakras

Let's begin this exciting series on chakras by learning all about the seven in general. Then as the series moves along, we will discuss each chakra in detail. Sound exciting? It is and it will be a beneficial read as well. To make sure we all get started correctly, a chakra is an energy center. We have thousands of them located in our body. However, people only tend to emphasis the main seven.  As you may know, the seven chakras are the core energy centers of our bodies. These are found from the bottom of your back to the top of your head. 


The study of the chakras originated in the Eastern spiritual traditions, where the chakras were considered the basis of our human existence. Today, the Western approaches the chakras as representations of different aspects and functions of our lives in terms of psychological, spiritual, physical, and energetic. The chakra system recognizes the seven centers or "wheels" of energy that are in motion along the body's spinal column. Each of them possess their own color and vibrational frequency. They govern various emotional issues, from our survival, self-esteem, to our ability to communicate and experience love.

The seven chakras:Chakras

The seven chakras are normally numbered from the bottom to the top. Also, each chakra is given a corresponding color. The first chakra is known as the root chakra. It is located near the tail bone or the base of the spine. It has been given the color red. The next chakra is the sacral chakra. Located just below the navel, it is orange. The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. It is located around the stomach area. It is usually yellow in color. Fourth is the heart chakra. Bearing the color green, it is located in the center of the chest. The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It is located at the base of the throat and is blue in color. The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra. It is located on the forehead, just above and between the eyes. It is normally given the color indigo. Lastly, the crown chakra is violet in color and is on the top of the head.

Healing and clearing chakras:

Each chakra also has healing crystals and chakra healing stones.They are coordinated with the colors of the chakra, which can be used in crystal and gemstone healing. Chakra color and stone healing can be very powerful. If our chakras are blocked or drained, then our body, mind, and spirit will not function like it should. Clearing and balancing our chakras with stones, crystals, sounds, colors, breaths, reiki and positive affirmations, can easily bring us back into a balanced, energetic, vibrant, healthy balance.

Well, that completes the first part of this series. Stay tuned for part 2, The root chakra. We will learn in detail all about that energy center. Learn why the root chakra gets blocked, why we need our root chakra open, and different ways we can heal the root chakra.